Every now and then, in most uncensored message boards, an unfamiliar poster stumbles in to start a totally outrageous thread. At times these posts are crude, derogatory, outside the norm, or downright hilarious. And what could be more side-splitting than the initial post? How about those graceful, full of wisdom commentary that eventually follow from veteran members of that forum? Here are some rejoinders that had me rolling on my carpet(literally), not too long ago.…
Darlin69: I need money for a sex change. I have $8,500, any donations will be great. Please help my dream come true. Email me or you can send your donation to 2722 University Blvd West, Apt 34.
Ladymars: LMAO I just "emailed" you some cash. Are you gonna be a guy or a girl?
Darlin69: I need money for a sex change. I have $8,500, any donations will be great. Please help my dream come true. Email me or you can send your donation to 2722 University Blvd West, Apt 34.
Ladymars: LMAO I just "emailed" you some cash. Are you gonna be a guy or a girl?

Bigmoney: Here you go. Get a brain change too!

Rebca: Hey!!! If this is a guy, wanting to be a girl, I can help him out for a fraction of the cost of a surgeon! (Just let me sharpen my knife....)
Ladymars: LMBO. Someone get the chainsaw-quick!
HMK: Rebca, you could just go to the food court at your local mall and get a "Spork" to do the job. That way you wouldn't even need to risk your cutlery.
Sunshine: If you’re a man wanting to be changed to a woman I can help. I have a 9 volt Black & Decker and a bull castration kit. You make a tiny slit in the skin and wrap that animal around the testicle and rev that drill up and boom your it !!! LMBO
Whatever became of darlin69? To this day, no one knows-;)
Ladymars: LMBO. Someone get the chainsaw-quick!
HMK: Rebca, you could just go to the food court at your local mall and get a "Spork" to do the job. That way you wouldn't even need to risk your cutlery.
Sunshine: If you’re a man wanting to be changed to a woman I can help. I have a 9 volt Black & Decker and a bull castration kit. You make a tiny slit in the skin and wrap that animal around the testicle and rev that drill up and boom your it !!! LMBO
Whatever became of darlin69? To this day, no one knows-;)
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Just wanted to stop by and say hi.
I found you from the wahm forum.
Nice blog!
feel free to stop by and check out mine anytime.
take care.
Knife is OK (considering), but chainsaw??? But yes, forums are a good source of fun.
Merry Christmas! Maybe that person will get the sex change wrapped in a nice little box from Santa this year. LOL!
Knife or chainsaw, either option would be physically excruciating, I'd imagine -;)
Always a pleasure to see you. Hope you're acing all your classes.
Yep, you never know. Maybe he or she would get a seriously mind boggling surprise form Santa. Thanks for hiking all the way from there to here. Aren't you supposed to be resting those over the hill bones anyhow??-lol! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
LOL what a weird reason to need money for.. but hey.. we all have our priorities lol.
Mine is my wife and kids, I guess that person's is his "gender" lol.
Great blog! Maybe you should have gave him a link to my site lol.
Thanks for the visit. I did check your travel blog. Like it. It's resourceful, well organized, and user friendly. I also checked out iamsoannoyed. Interesting concept. Maybe I'll post some of my stuff over there.
Again, thanks.
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