
Thursday, November 1, 2007

Nashville Star

Year 2003...

After performing a handful of our original songs at a local church-a few years back- Scrawny exclaimed, “Wow Mom, "You should be on American Idol!” I told her I was over the hills and explained about the "cut off" age rule.

Turning to Daddoo, I asked, “Why don't they just come up with American Idol for older contestants?”
“Mom," replied Kid Sid(my 10-year-old),"It's called Nashville Star!"


Anonymous said...

Very funny little story! It never ceases to amaze me how much more media savvy kids are than us!


Nashville? sounds familiar, this another interesting chronicles of a mom's personal blog, i will be back, good luck and all the best.^^

Amey said...

Nashville Star? Does that also have judges' and contestants' histrionics?

Or is it older the mellower?

Bennie said...


It's sorta like American Idol without set age boundaries. And by the way you better be good at yoodling-lol.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Funny post. nice site bennie.

Anonymous said...

Don't sell yourself short - you could easily pass for 28 and be the next A.I. I'll send them the audition footage I recorded form your performance at open mic nite.


Bennie said...

Hey matt,
Muchas gracias for dropping by mi online casa-:)
Wishing you, amy, luke, savannah and oops...(don't tell him I forgot his name) a great weekend!

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