
Monday, September 24, 2007

About This Blog

There are moments in life that make us cringe or grin. There are moments in life that make us chuckle silently. Such moments are never few and far between when you toss children who happen to say the darndest things into the equation. This is the premise of My Family Scene. The Cast of Characters are often family members.

Kid Sid-13 (can you say girlie girl?)-
Scrawny-8 (witty, feisty, the son we never had)
Furr-Ball-5 (sweet; loves to hug everyone)
Daddoo-40ish (what a mighty good man!)

And Yep, all of the anecdotes on this blog are based on my recollection of factual situations that occurred over the years. So, kick off your shoes; let down your hair. Listen to a YouTube tune while you look around if you like. Thank you for visiting. Hope you'll come again for updates. Above all, be sure to add My Family Scene in your Favorites Folder!

P.S. Should you run into an entry that sounds like an assured, some major sponsor that's been slipping me a few dollars under the table-enough for a Mcdonald's happy meal-put me up to it-:)

Bennie Droese -August 07


DLA said...

The house is quiet, since, to quote you 3 "girlie girls" are gone. The last one is trying to prove she doesn't need a nap even if she stayed awake until 4am.

I look forward to spending time reading your talented work.

Beautiful pictures.

Anonymous said...

I dropped in per your request on the AT&T Message Board. I see no problems with your use of English.

You also seem to have a nice sense of humor.

Best wishes to you and yours,


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